Saturday, February 16, 2013

Ratha Saptami

Surya Aradhana

Of the 6 schools of worship Sun worship is one of the most prominent and in fact found as a common link in all the other schools. The entire Vedantic philosophy / Atma Tattva can be readily explained by using Sun as the reference.

At a materialistic level, it is well known that our system of time and direction is based on the Sun. Life on the planet is possible solely due to His rays and all their concomitant powers. Light, heat, humidity, seasons, crops and in fact everything that we depend on nature comes directly from his Grace.

At a cosmic level, all the planets in the Solar System revolve and in fact evolved from him. Aditya Hrudayam attributes the Lordship of planets and stars to Surya.  This is precisely the reason for Astrology declaring Lord Surya as the Adhidevata (ruler of planets). By performing Suya Homa, Yagya, Vrata and Archana one can neutralize  any astrological anamolies.

At a spiritual level, he is the sustainer of Prana Shakti (life, consciousness). Mental, physical and spiritual health are directly linked to the worship of Bhaskara (another name for the Lord). He controls the strength of the eyes and brilliance of the intellect. Just as one harnesses the Sun’s power of heat by Solar Panels and convert it into electricity, plants absorb the light for photosynthesis, the method of harnessing the Lord’s cosmic energy for material and spiritual welfare is called – Surya aaradhana.

Ratha Saptami

The 7th day of the first half of Maagha maasam is referred to as Ratha Saptami. A year in Hindu calendar is divided into two Ayanas – uttara-ayanam and Dakshina-ayanam – of roughly 6 months each. Each month is divided into two pakshas – sukhla paksham and krishna paksham. Just as Kaarthik Maasam is for Deepam, Vaisakha for daanam (donation), Maagha maasam is for snanam. It is advised to have a holy dip in one of this country’s sacred rivers.This holy day falls on the first saptami in suhkla paksham after Vaikuntha Ekadasi and is the most important day of the year for worshipping Lord Surya.
The Puranas revealed that on this day there is a change in Surya Ratha. The word Ratha in Sanskrit means ‘ that which travels’ – ‘Rammana Silatvaat Rathaha’. Hence, from this day onwards, there is a change in the way the Sun’s rays reach the Earth.

What to do on this day

This is the day when mankind has the best opportunity to pay respects to the sustainer of life and repository of knowledge. The Rishis revealed to mankind various ways to earn the grace of the Lord on this auspicious day.

1. Wake up during Brahma Muhurtam (it is roughly an hour prior to sunrise)
2. Use Arka Patra (Calotropis Procera leaves - refer to the image) for having a holy bath along with the 12 names of Surya used in the Surya Namaskara. One of the many benefits is the increase in your luster. These plants absorb the healing rays of the sun in greater measure than others and hence pass on the power to us when we use them
 Wear clothes that have Red as primary color – better still to wear blood red
4. Those who are invested with the sacred thread need to perform the SandhyaVandan and everyone should chant Surya Stotras (preferably Aditya Hrudayam) by facing the Lord. Aditya Hrudayam should be chanted 3 times along with achamanam for best results just as Lord Sri Ram did in the Ramayana

     5. Arghyam (worship by offering water with mantras). This should be done by taking water in a copper vessel and mixing it with red sandalwood paste, leaves from Bilva tree (Aegle marmelos), red Hibiscus flowers and yellow rice grains. Facing the Lord in the morning, noon and /or evening one should chant any mantra which is instructed by ones guru. In other cases the following can mantra can be reverently chanted as suggested by Siva Maha Purana –
        Namah Sivaya Saambaya Saganaya Aadihetave
       Rudraya Vishnave Tubhyam Brahmane Surya Murthaye

     6. Abstain from honey, meat, oil and sex every Sunday and especially on this day. Quoting the Puranas – ‘Stree Madhu Mamsa Taila Ravivare Visarjayet’
     7. Offer rice cooked in Cow milk as prasadam for the Lord and distribute it

Surya is also called as pratyaksha Daivam (Visible god) as his presence and blessings are received by everyone all the time. This entire month is permeated with his divinity. Aditya Hrudayam states that He is ‘Sarva Devatmako Hyeshaha’ – ‘embodiment of all gods’. This is clearly seconded by the fact that Mahasivaratri for Siva, Sri Panchami for Saraswati, two Chaturthis for Ganesha and Shasthi for Subramanya fall in this month. 

Surya stands for light of wisdom, strength and righteousness. He is the destroyer of evil forces. The current state of affairs in our country require the worship of Surya for the destruction of evil and re-establishing the Sanatan Dharma undiluted by misguided zealots. 

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